Aptegwai Handmade

Fragmentations of memories, handcrafted artworks of all kinds.

Aptegwai Handmade features hand-painted, printed and dyed up-cycled material garments, draperies, wall hangings , original watercolor paintings and glass-blown pieces and beaded jewelry. All garments, fabrics, paintings and glass-works are one of a kind and unique in their own ways. Orders are packed with intention and care. email chloe.hammond@meca.edu for inquiries on customs and commissions. 

“The way I see the world is through fragmented layers like paint chips and peeling rust, everyday I need to create something. My work is about time and how it passes, how the forces of nature and life create friction on our everyday lives. I am interested in the tribological forces that surround us all and how they create the ware of time. The patterns and colors in my creations reflect how I process these thoughts, they translate through hatch-mark stitches, washed out dye colors, and symbolic patterns/designs.”


all relations, all connections